La Chaire UNESCO était présente lors de la Conférence internationale "New Horizons of Culture, Arts and Media in the Digital Environment" qui a eu lieu à Belgrade, Serbie, du 11 au 14 septembre 2019. La Directrice adjointe, Ivana Otasevic, s'est prononcée sur "The Use of Digital Technologies as a Tool for the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Expressions of Migrants".
Le résumé de sa présentation :
International law recognizes the right of migrants to participate in cultural life and calls upon States to respect their cultural identity, which also entails the promotion and protection of their cultural expressions. More specifically, these groups must have access not only to the cultural expressions of the host society, but also to their own cultural expressions. In this regard, the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (the 2005 Convention) encourages Parties to preserve cultural identity and promote the cultural rights of migrants and members of national minorities within their national territory. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the rise of digital technologies offers countless opportunities for the diversity of cultural expressions but also presents many challenges for Parties. The question that arises is to examine how Parties use digital technologies in order to protect and promote the cultural expressions of migrants and members of national minorities within their territory. One of the main objectives of our presentation is to analyze the measures and cultural policies adopted by Parties to the 2005 Convention, which aim to protect and promote the cultural expressions of migrants by using new technologies. Thus, an analysis will also be conducted concerning the impact of those policies and measures on intercultural dialogue and social cohesion.
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